Just Lynn

One woman. One name. One hell of an attitude!

Archive for the 'smart chicks' Category

the ‘C’ word

  Ya! You herd me! I used the ‘C’ word… not the anatomical ‘C’, but the psycholgical ‘C’… ‘counselling’… which most people feel is the most offensive of the two. Most people I’ve met, though, fall into one of two categories. One type is the sort that’s never been to a counsellor and bases their […]

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I was dressing when he walked in and warned me to ‘watch it’ or he’d have me ‘charged’. When I asked what he was talking about, my BF pointed to a bruise on my thigh and said ‘abuse’. ‘Oh! You know me.’ I told him. ‘I’m always hurting myself.’ ‘But, it’s still abuse.’ He fixed […]

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Some time ago, I had a conversation with a medical doctor involoving hypnosis and the human brain. The doctor pointed out the fact that while we think of the brain as a ‘unit’, it’s physically composed of 2 hemispheres connected by a biological/physical wiring harness (cerebral cortex?) joined to the spinal column. While talking about the various functions […]

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dream job

It was early… 5:30 or so… and I was job hunting online. My blistered feet protested when I got up to get a coffee making me wonder if old-school door knocking was worth the effort or if I should be doing everything online? Sure, old-school had gotten me jobs in the past, but… The faces […]

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mortgage shopping

When I bought my house a few years ago, I signed the mortgage without really understanding it. I mean, I knew someone was lending me money and that I’d probably end up paying them 2 ½ times that amount back, but I told myself it was an ‘investment’ , not a ‘debt’, and moved on. […]

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